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Whole-in-One Protector Series 2

Manulife Whole in One Prime Series 2 Life Insurance

What is Whole-in-One Protector Series 2?

Whole-in-One Protector Series 2 offers you the security of whole life insurance and the opportunity to build your wealth with just one single premium. You won’t have to pay any more premiums in the future.

How has our whole life insurance got you covered?

Pays a death benefit to ensure peace of mind for you and your family.

Receive non-guaranteed annual dividends¹; you can leave them on deposit to earn interest1 to accelerate your wealth growth.

Make just one single premium payment. No more worries about the increasing cost of insurance as the life insured becomes older.

With the cash value building up in the policy, you will always have access to emergency cash by way of a policy loan.

Our experts are here to help you!

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    We will respond within two business days to forms submitted at or before 10:00am each business day. For example, if you submit this form at or before 10:00am on a Monday, we will respond by Tuesday. Forms submitted after 10:00am on a Monday will receive a response by Wednesday.

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    Whole-in-One Protector Series 2 is an insurance product provided and underwritten by Manulife (International) Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability). The above provides only general information on this product for your reference only. Please download the product leaflet now or ask your Insurance/Financial Advisor for a copy which will give you more details about this product including the ‘Important Information’ showing the product risks.

    1. Annual dividends and the accumulation interest rates of dividends (in other words, interest rates for building up dividends left with us) are not guaranteed and we may change them from time to time.
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