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Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly.  Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

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Protect your personal data by keeping your Manulife customer website login password safe and change your password regularly.  Manulife will never call you or send any SMS/email asking for your Manulife customer website login password. Stay vigilant for suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps, etc. allegedly related to Manulife. If you receive any calls claiming to be from Manulife, authenticate the caller’s identity (e.g. full name of the advisor and his/her Insurance/MPF Intermediary License No. or full name of the Manulife customer service officer). If the caller refuses to disclose such information, please do not continue with the conversation. Also, if you notice any suspicious transaction activities in your account with Manulife, or any account that is under your name but not set up by you, please inform us immediately. If you are in doubt, please contact us at (852) 2108 1188 (HK) / (853) 8398 0383 (Macau) or by email at (HK & Macau) for assistance.

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1. ManulifeMOVE supports Garmin Connect App, Fitbit App, Google Fit App, Samsung Health App or Health App (with iPhone or Apple Watch).

2. Daily Step Average
Your daily step average is calculated by aggregating the number of steps synced with the ManulifeMOVE mobile app for the following tracking periods divided by the number of days in the respective tracking period.

- First membership year: the tracking period is from the date which your fitness tracking device is successfully linked to your ManulifeMOVE mobile app after you use your ID Card number, Passport number, and/or Date of Birth to activate your MOVE app account, and up to 61 days prior to your first ManulifeMOVE anniversary. The tracking period must be at least 180 days for you to be able to qualify for premium discounts.

- Second membership year and after: the tracking period starts from 60 days prior to your ManulifeMOVE anniversary and runs for one calendar year.

3. MOVE Reward Level

a. Your daily step average is calculated based on the tracking period as defined in Clause 2 above. The tracking period of your first membership year must be at least 180 days, i.e., you must activate your ManulifeMOVE mobile app within 125 days of your ManulifeMOVE membership commencing, in order to fulfill the MOVE Reward Level requirement. You can attain the MOVE Reward Level if your daily step average is at least equal to the corresponding requirement of that level.

b. If you cannot achieve the MOVE Reward Level in any given membership year, you can still be eligible for premium discounts thereafter if you attain the reward level in subsequent membership years.

c. The MOVE Reward Level requirements are subject to change from time to time. Please visit to learn more about the latest requirements and benefits you can enjoy. In case of any disputes arising from the ManulifeMOVE, Manulife's decision shall be final and conclusive.


4. Eligible Plan

a. The eligible plans include the following insurance coverage, for which applications are submitted through Manulife insurance/ financial advisors, brokers, independent advisors or selected bank(s):ManuMaster Healthcare Benefit, ManuShine Healthcare Benefit and Cancer Treatment Benefit are not eligible if attached to Investment Linked Assurance Schemes policies.

I. ManuMaster Healthcare Series/Benefit with application submitted and approved on or after September 1, 2015

II. ManuEssential Care with application submitted and approved on or after September 1, 2015

III. Cancer Treatment Benefit (for HK or Macau residents) with application submitted and approved on or after January 1, 2016

IV. ManuPrime Care with application submitted and approved on or after February 13, 2017

V. ManuShine Healthcare Series/Benefit with application submitted and approved on or after February 13, 2017

VI. Cancer Treatment Benefit (for non-HK or non-Macau residents) with application submitted and approved on or after February 13, 2017

VII. ManuBright Care with application submitted and approved on or after April 24, 2017

VIII. ManuLove Care with application submitted and approved on or after July 23, 2018

IX. Manulife Shelter VHIS Standard Plan / Manulife First VHIS Flexi Plan with application submitted and approved on or after April 1, 2019

X. ManuVital Care with application submitted and approved on or after November 4, 2019

XI. Manulife Supreme VHIS Flexi Plan with application submitted and approved on or after Feb 17, 2020

XII. ManuBright Care 2 / ManuBright Care 2 Plus with application submitted and approved on or after July 27, 2020

XIII. CareGuard Critical Illness Benefit with application submitted and approved on or after July 26, 2021

XIV. ManuPrimo Care with application submitted and approved on or after July 25, 2022

XV. Manulife Bright Care PRO with application submitted and approved on or after July 24, 2023

XVI. Manulife Supreme Lite VHIS Supplementary Benefit / Manulife Supreme Lite Medical Supplementary Benefit with application submitted and approved on or after November 6, 2023

XVII. Manulife Supreme Medical Plan with application submitted and approved on or after November 6, 2023

ManuMaster Healthcare Benefit, ManuShine Healthcare Benefit and Cancer Treatment Benefit are not eligible if attached to Investment Linked Assurance Schemes policies.

b. In the event that you are the insured but not the policy owner, you must have submitted an MOVE Enrollment form for each eligible policy.

c. If you have terminated any existing coverage of the same eligible plan within 6 months prior to the issue date of the newly applied coverage, such coverage is not regarded as an eligible plan.

d. Eligible plans are subject to change from time to time. Please refer to for the latest updates.

5. ManulifeMOVE Premium Discount

a. ManulifeMOVE premium discount is varied and based on the MOVE Reward Level you have attained according to the daily step average (as defined in Clause 2 and 3 above). The premium discount will automatically be applied to all eligible plans where you are the policy owner and / or the insured, by deducting from the renewal premium amount due for the next policy anniversary that falls into the following membership year. In case the first policy anniversary for your eligible plan after joining MOVE falls before the start of your second MOVE membership year, no premium discount will be applicable to this policy renewal. However, the appropriate premium discount would be applied to the next policy renewal, as it would fall within your second membership year.

b. The premium discount is applicable to ALL eligible plans (as defined in Clause 5 below) where you are the policy owner and / or the insured with the eligible plans remaining in force for at least 12 months when applying premium discounts upon a policy anniversary as specified in Clause 4a.

c. Any premium discount will cease immediately upon coverage termination for any reason.

d. The premium discount is applicable to all payment modes, but not applicable to prepayment of premiums.

e. The premium discount is only applicable to premium of eligible coverage; excluding premium for extra loadings and increased coverage as a result of the Inflation Protector Option.

f. The premium discount is only applicable to eligible coverage as mentioned in Clause 5a. Any coverage not mentioned in Clause 5a will not receive any premium discount even if such coverage is taken/attached under one single insurance policy together with eligible coverage.

g. The premium discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers unless otherwise specified by Manulife.

h. Manulife reserves the right to change, terminate or cancel the premium discount without prior notice. Manulife's decision shall be final and conclusive. Please refer to for the latest updates.


6. ManulifeMOVE Sign-up Gift

a. The promotional period is from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, both dates inclusive (promotional period).

b. The eligible plan you apply for must be approved and issued from July 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 and must have been inforce for at least 30 days by April 30, 2025 to be eligible for the ManulifeMOVE sign-up offer.

c. Eligible ManulifeMOVE members must stay as the policy owner and / or person insured of the eligible plan.

d. Each eligible ManulifeMOVE member can only be entitled to the sign-up offer once. You can choose your sign-up offer when your eligible plan is being approved and issued.

e. New ManulifeMOVE member will receive a notification by email within 4 weeks of their eligible plan being approved and issued. You will need to use the ID Card number, Passport number, and/or Date of Birth to activate your MOVE account and complete the designated sign-up offer redemption process through the ManulifeMOVE app within 60 days of the date the notification email was dispatched. Otherwise, your sign-up offer will be forfeited and will not be re-issued.

f. The privileged price offer is only applicable to eligible ManulifeMOVE members. You may refer to the in-app redemption page for the privileged prices of different models of Apple Watch. All Apple Watch products are subject to availability. Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion.

g. Once the choice of the sign-up offer has been made, it cannot be changed.

h. Fitness tracking devices are available while stocks last. Manulife reserves the right to change the model of the fitness tracking devices from time to time without prior notice.

i. Manulife reserves the right to charge an administration fee of HK$1,000 if the ManulifeMOVE member fails to maintain the eligibility of being a ManulifeMOVE member and keep the eligible plan inforce for 12 months.

j. Manulife is not the supplier of the fitness tracking device and does not accept any liability relating to them. Manulife is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen products.

7. Bonus Premium Discount

a. You can enjoy bonus premium discounts of up to HK$1,500/ US$194 over two years by fulfilling each of the following criteria:

I. Select Apple Watch as the sign-up offer upon joining MOVE or if you are an existing MOVE member and with your own Apple Watch upon applying for a new eligible plan within the promotional period. The plan must be approved and issued from July 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

II. Complete the MOVE Reward Level 2 with a daily step average of at least 7,000 within the designated tracking period.

III. Achieve 30 Active Weeks within the designated tracking period.

b. You need Apple Watch to connect with your ManulifeMOVE mobile app to achieve the requirements.

c. Tracking periods for Bonus Premium Discount are:

- First tracking period: from the date which your Apple Watch is successfully connected to your ManulifeMOVE mobile app after you activate your MOVE app account, and up to 61 days prior to your coming ManulifeMOVE anniversary. If you are an existing MOVE member, it starts from the date which your Apple Watch is successfully synced with your ManulifeMOVE mobile app after your new eligible plan is issued. It must be at least 30 full weeks.

- Second tracking period: the tracking period starts 60 days prior to the next ManulifeMOVE anniversary and runs for one calendar year.

d. You have to achieve all 3 activity goals in a day – Move, Exercise and Stand – four days in a week to achieve an Active Week. Tracking of each week starts from Monday 00:00 to the following Sunday 23:59. We will start calculating your Active Week from the first full week after you begin recording your activity data with your Apple Watch.

e. Each eligible ManulifeMOVE member can only be entitled to up to HK$750/ US$97 bonus premium discount each year over two years once after joining ManulifeMOVE program. You have to meet the criteria of completing Reward Level 2 & achieving 30 Active Weeks in each tracking period to be eligible for the bonus premium discount. If you cannot meet the requirement (as defined in Clause 7a above) in the first tracking period, you can still be eligible for bonus premium discount of the second tracking period if you meet the requirement in that period.

f. Bonus premium discounts will be applied to an eligible plan (as defined in Clause 5 above) for which the application was approved and issued from July 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 if you achieve the requirement (as defined in Clause 7a above). If you have more than one eligible plan during the promotional period, the bonus premium discount will be applied to the eligible plan with the earliest issue date according to Manulife's records at the time the bonus premium discount is applied.

g. The bonus premium discount, if applicable, will automatically be applied to your designated eligible plan as defined in Clause 7f above by deducting from the renewal premium amount due for the next policy anniversary that falls into the next membership year.

h. If your first tracking period is less than 30 full weeks, we will start calculating your eligible Active Week from the next tracking period and the second tracking period of bonus premium discount will be calculated from the year after, and hence any bonus premium discounts (if applicable) will be applied to the second and third policy renewals after the new designated eligible plan is issued. All bonus premium discounts will only be applied within the first three renewals of the designated eligible plan as defined in Clause 7f above.

i. If the eligible plan has been in force for less than 12 months upon the policy anniversary, the bonus premium discount (if applicable) will be applied to the next policy renewal.

j. The bonus premium discount is offered in addition to ManulifeMOVE Premium Discounts to the eligible plan as defined in Clause 7f above and shall be applied to your eligible plans as specified in Clause 4c-h above if you meet the requirement. Total premium discount you are entitled to in each qualifying year is capped at the amount of the standard premium of your eligible plan.

8. ManulifeMOVE Member Account
You must use your ID Card number, Passport number, and/or Date of Birth to activate your MOVE account and have your fitness tracking device linked to the ManulifeMOVE mobile app for step and activity data tracking (if applicable). You are advised to regularly update your activity record in your fitness tracking device app (if applicable) for the ManulifeMOVE mobile app to determine your MOVE Reward Level and any bonus premium discounts based on your most recent activity data. We will use the activity record according to your last sync with the ManulifeMOVE mobile app as of the end of each tracking period to determine your reward entitlement. Manulife is not responsible for disconnection between the fitness tracking device and its app, and shall not be liable to any record loss.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions are for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail.