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About the eMPF Platform ("eMPF")

Manulife Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions MPF TVC Account


eMPF is built and operated by the eMPF Platform Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (“MPFA”). It centralizes and digitalizes all MPF schemes’ administrative processes, enabling you to manage your MPF online.

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    eMPF functions

    As an employer, you can manage a range of MPF administrative processes on eMPF, including:

    Open new accounts or enroll employees in MPF schemes

    Automatically calculate and submit contributions

    Manage employee termination and provide relevant instructions on Long Service Payment (LSP) / Severance Payment (SP) offsetting

    Review transaction and contribution records

    MPF scheme onboarding schedule

    The eMPF Platform will be available from 26 June 2024, with the first two MPF trustees onboarded on 26 June and 29 July respectively. All MPF schemes are expected to complete onboarding by the end of 2025. 

    The two Manulife MPF schemes will come onboard tentatively in Q1/Q2 2025 and Q3/Q4 2025 respectively. Please visit the eMPF website for the latest schedule

    MPF scheme name

    Onboarding date

    Manulife RetireChoice (MPF) Scheme
    Q1/Q2 2025 (tentative)
    Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme
    Q3/Q4 2025 (tentative)

    Source: Information from the eMPF website on 24 May 2024 



    Rest assured for the onboarding

    During the initial phase of eMPF's launch, you and your employees may have enquiries about the new platform and the onboarding process. We will provide you with timely updates and information on eMPF to help enhance communication with your employees.

    Rest assured for the onboarding

    During the initial phase of eMPF's launch, you and your employees may have enquiries about the new platform and the onboarding process. We will provide you with timely updates and information on eMPF to help enhance communication with your employees.


    We are fully committed to providing you with comprehensive support for managing your day-to-day MPF administration at every step of the way.

    Manulife eMPF Assistance Program provides comprehensive support to help employers to smoothly transition to the eMPF Platform.

    No. 1 MPF service provider in Hong Kong1

    As the No. 1 MPF service provider1 with 88 years of pension management experience in Hong Kong, we bring a wealth of expertise and resources, all dedicated to delivering exceptional MPF services.

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    Dedicated support for employers

    Our strong team of MPF intermediaries will serve as eMPF ambassadors, offering all-rounded support throughout the transition to eMPF, including tailored recommendations for your future scheme administration arrangement. For instance, when preparing for future contribution arrangements, you can look to our suggestions below, based on your preferred contribution method. For more information, please contact your MPF intermediary.

    For direct input contribution data in Manulife webpage

    For contribution file generated from external HR software/system

    For contribution file generated from inhouse system

    For paper submission

    Events and videos

    We are intensifying our efforts to provide you and your employees with engaging and informative resources to manage MPF administration, and ultimately supporting your employees to reach their retirement goals over the long term.

    Get ready for the transition with ease?

    Confused about preparing for eMPF onboarding? Uncertain about where to begin and what steps to take first? Don't worry, we have you covered. Our case studies below may provide you with a clearer understanding of what to do next. Feel free to contact our experts if you have any questions.

    Learn more

    Source: “Mercer MPF Market Shares Report” as of June 30, 2024 by Mercer (Hong Kong) Limited, in terms of market share of total MPF assets by scheme sponsor